5 insights into creating content as a B2B founder

James Farnfield
October 26, 2023

*1. Quality Over Quantity: Nurturing Sustainable Growth*

In a world inundated with content, the first insight from our study resonates loud and clear—prioritize quality over quantity. A barrage of empty posts may inflate metrics temporarily, but it's high-quality content that truly builds value and sustains audience engagement. By consistently delivering insight-backed content, not only do you establish authority in your domain, but you also forge meaningful connections with the right audience, ensuring sustainable growth over time.

*2. Build an Audience of Real Customers: Beyond Trends and Platitudes*

Building on the importance of quality, this insight emphasizes the need to curate an audience that goes beyond mere numbers. Empty posts that ride on trends or share generic platitudes won't yield a valuable audience. The key is alignment—ensure that your content attracts individuals who align with your ideal customer profile. Founders derive true value from their audience when they share content that resonates with and attracts the right customers, transcending the pursuit of mere follower numbers.

*3. Find Your Own Way of Working: Tailoring Content Creation to You*

Creating content can be overwhelming, and the third insight encourages founders to discover their unique approach. Whether through collaborative brainstorming with a team, conversations with partners, or solo content creation experiments, the emphasis is on finding a method that suits individual preferences. The more adaptable and comfortable the content creation process, the higher the likelihood of consistent, valuable content production.

*4. Time is Always a Challenge: Strategic Collaboration for Consistency*

Acknowledging the time constraints faced by founders, this insight advocates for strategic partnerships with entities like Shake. By collaborating with us, founders can leverage bespoke content distribution strategies tailored to their business. This collaborative effort ensures the creation of consistent, insight-backed, and engaging content, mitigating the time burden on founders and enriching their brand narrative.

*5. Think Long-Term: Investing in the Value of Time*

The final insight underscores the long-term nature of content strategy. Unlike viral posts that offer fleeting attention, building a valuable audience is a gradual process. It involves finding your unique voice, crafting content that resonates with your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), and establishing expertise in your industry. The investment in a well-thought-out content strategy pays off because a valuable audience isn't just a short-lived marketing tactic; it evolves into a perpetual channel with infinite life.

If you're navigating the challenges of content strategy for your B2B startup, we at Shake are here to help via our founder-led marketing approach. Drop us a message, and let's embark on a conversation about how Shake can elevate your content strategy, making it a powerful driver for your business.

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Looking to take your content to the next level?
Shake, based in London, is a content agency that works with founders to create a content strategy that aligns with business and personal brand goals. Increasing authority in your space and driving demand to your business. B2B founders in current day marketing and sales need to have content as part of their businesses strategy for awareness, trust, credibility and demand generation.