How important is brand awareness for B2B businesses?

Too many B2B startups forget about, or completely ignore, brand awareness.
James Farnfield
October 19, 2023

In the bustling landscape of B2B startups, the critical component of brand awareness often takes a back seat, with many businesses either overlooking it or deeming it a luxury reserved for well-established companies with hefty budgets. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Brand awareness isn't just a privilege for the corporate giants; it's a strategic imperative for long-term growth, backed by a staggering 77% of marketers who recognize its pivotal role. Moreover, companies that invest in building their brand enjoy higher EBIT margins—a testament to the tangible impact of a robust brand presence.

The digital era, especially with the proliferation of social channels, has bestowed upon startups a golden opportunity to cultivate brand awareness in a manner that is not only accessible but also cost-effective. Let's delve into why content marketing stands as the linchpin for establishing brand awareness, drawing on insights from as far back as 2013 when 91% of B2B marketers were already leveraging this powerful tool.

1. Cost-Effective Reach:

In contrast to traditional awareness channels, content marketing emerges as a cost-effective alternative. Consider the hefty price tag of a 30-second untargeted TV ad, clocking in at £3k or more. Content marketing, on the other hand, allows startups to achieve substantial reach without breaking the bank.

2. Unparalleled Reach Without Compromise:

The power of personal content is exemplified by the fact that a single individual can reach over half a million people on platforms like LinkedIn alone. This not only illustrates the democratization of influence but also highlights the far-reaching impact that well-crafted content can achieve.

3. Precision Targeting:

Social channels bestow startups with unprecedented control over who sees their content. The frequency of engagement is no longer dictated solely by external factors but is, instead, a direct result of how frequently and strategically content is posted.

4. Long-Term Benefits:

Quality content stands the test of time. Unlike fleeting TV spots, content has a long tail. Every clip, post, or image can be repurposed and reused across various channels, maximizing its impact over an extended period.

5. Unlocking Organic Channels:

Content has the inherent ability to be shared organically across various channels, from instant messages and Slack channels to private social circles. This organic dissemination broadens the reach beyond the confines of traditional marketing methods.

If your B2B startup has yet to embrace the power of content marketing for brand awareness, it's time to take action. Reach out to us at Shake Content, and let us illustrate how a well-crafted content strategy can not only elevate your brand presence but also drive tangible growth for your business. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make your mark in the digital landscape—start investing in content today. Send us a message, and let's embark on a journey of strategic brand elevation together.

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Looking to take your content to the next level?
Shake, based in London, is a content agency that works with founders to create a content strategy that aligns with business and personal brand goals. Increasing authority in your space and driving demand to your business. B2B founders in current day marketing and sales need to have content as part of their businesses strategy for awareness, trust, credibility and demand generation.