B2B LinkedIn Content

that your buyers care about

Our full done-for-you service will help you put your LinkedIn on autopilot; growing your brand, authority and revenue through LinkedIn posts.
✅ Podcasts
✅ Video Interview
✅ Copywriting & Strategy
✅ LinkedIn Ads
✅ Podcasts
✅ Video Interview
✅ Copywriting & Strategy
✅ LinkedIn Ads
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Consistency is key to growing online.

We'll produce in your tone-of-voice daily posts every week from your profile. With a mixture of text, images, graphics and video to grow your online presence. Depending on which package you choose you will get 12-20 posts per month.

Product content that you can be proud of.

Producing high level premium content is hard and it takes time. Do not sacrifice quality for quantity, as it's pretty obvious to your audience and industry when you do. Let our expertise look after you to produce a variety of premium posts throughout the month.

We are LinkedIn experts.

You wouldn't ask a SEO expert to run your brand activation just like you utilise a team like ourse that analyse the platform everyday, audit ours and clients posts identifying best practices and trends to use for your content too.

Maximising revenue opportunities from your content.

Drive inbound revene and increase conversations from your content. Whether you have a newsletter, webinar, podcast or want to drive audience members to your website, we will embrace your goals to maximise your revenue opportunities from the platform.
"I knew I needed to be present on LinkedIn and Shake put their experienced marketing minds into my content strategy. They know the LinkedIn channel"
- Barry White, CEO

Tired of sleeping on LinkedIn and want to start leading?

Book a free strategy call