B2B Video Content

that your buyers care about

Video is THE content type to be focusing on this year and onwards, it is the best way to build trust with your audience by putting your face out there into the world, engaging with your audience in the snappiest and most effective way. Our team can help you produce anything from a long form educational series to shorter snappier pieces, all optimised with thumbnails and subtitles.
✅ Podcasts
✅ Video Interview
✅ Copywriting & Strategy
✅ LinkedIn Ads
✅ Podcasts
✅ Video Interview
✅ Copywriting & Strategy
✅ LinkedIn Ads
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Shoot at our Studio, Home or Office.

We have got you covered, we can come to you, wherever you are to make the video production as seamless as possible. In as quick as an hour we can have a month worth of content ready to be produced.

Your audience has short attention spans.

In a time of shorter and shorter content, we utilise this trend to our advantage by cutting your longer form content pieces into short snappier posts to engage your audience with your highlight reel.

Make every video accessible to all.

Your audience will view your content in a variety of environments and will want to digest your content in a number of different ways. We produce premium subtitles and thumbnails to ensure that your content gets viewed.

Maximising revenue opportunities from your content.

Drive inbound revene and increase conversations from your content. Whether you have a newsletter, webinar, podcast or want to drive audience members to your website, we will embrace your goals to maximise your revenue opportunities from the platform.
"I knew I needed to be present on LinkedIn and Shake put their experienced marketing minds into my content strategy. They know the LinkedIn channel"
- Barry White, CEO

Ready to reach a wider audience with video?

Book a free strategy call