B2B Podcast Production

that your buyers care about

We help you launch and run your podcast to reach your audience, buyers and customers by creating entertaining and educational audio and visual assets for your brand.
✅ Podcasts
✅ Video Interview
✅ Copywriting & Strategy
✅ LinkedIn Ads
✅ Podcasts
✅ Video Interview
✅ Copywriting & Strategy
✅ LinkedIn Ads
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Become your buyer's
favourite show.

If you want to get your voice and face out there then there is not a better place to promote this via LinkedIn. We take care of all things podcast such as researching and sourcing guests, speaker notes, brand voice, thumbnails, post-production and social clips.

Ensure that you have A+ prep for your A+ guests

With a podcast, finding the guests and preparing is half the battle and half the time. We familiarise ourselves with your topic and outreach to guests and do all the research and notes for you as the host to turn up and act like a pro.

Post production takes time and skill. Leave it to us.

Technical skills from video editing, clipping and audio engineers. We have got you covered ensuring that when we distribute your content that you have no embarrassments.

Dedicated production team equals consistency.

You will receive a dedicated podcast producer throughout your partnership with Shake. From start to finish from initial ideation right the way through to distribution strategies.

Maximising revenue opportunities from your pod.

We understand podcast monetisation. From sponsorships to adverts to ensuring that the right guests come onto your show to get you face time with your buyers directly.
"I knew I needed to be present on LinkedIn and Shake put their experienced marketing minds into my content strategy. They know the LinkedIn channel"
- Barry White, CEO

Want to launch a premium podcast where you can just turn up to record?

Book a free strategy call