LinkedIn Content

that your buyers care about

Shake is an end-to-end content service, that helps B2B CEOs and Founders produce premium content that drives inbound revenue.
✅ Podcasts
✅ Video Interview
✅ Copywriting & Strategy
✅ LinkedIn Ads
✅ Podcasts
✅ Video Interview
✅ Copywriting & Strategy
✅ LinkedIn Ads
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Go from sleeping to leading on Linkedin

In an era of traditional awareness and acquisition channels slowing down, trust acquisition is at an all time high. CEOs and Founders are more important than ever before to lead the charge for their business online but they lack the time to build their LinkedIn strategy.

Shake Content exists to build your authority, brand and revenue through authentic and professional, LinkedIn relevant content.

See what leading CEOs have to say about Shake

Barry Whyte
CEO & CO-Founder
Mark McDermott
CEO & Founder
Barry Whyte
CEO & CO-Founder
Mark McDermott
CEO & Founder

Create stunning visual content that increases inbound conversations by 150%.


Encapsulating and engaging copy for your posts

The foundation of your LinkedIn strategy is the content that you push out to your audience and this starts with copywriting. Our team of expert authors, match your tone of voice and writing style in a matter of weeks.
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Launch and monetise your podcast

If you want to get your voice and face out there then there is not a better place to promote this via LinkedIn. We take care of all things podcast such as researching and sourcing guests, speaker notes, brand voice, thumbnails, post-production and social clips.
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Create Authoritative Video

One of the best ways to get your message across to your LinkedIn audience is by using video and creating a series. This is the number one way to build trust and authority with your audience. This takes approximately one hour per month and we come to you, you to us or into our studio.
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James Farnfield
CEO of Shake Content
James Farnfield
CEO of Shake Content
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Bring your brand into a new era of creative

This could be ranging from educational, brand to behind the scenes content. We take care of this for you and ensure that it is LinkedIn ready, including: full length branded video, brand workshops, B-roll and social clips.
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"I knew I needed to be present on LinkedIn and Shake put their experienced marketing minds into my content strategy. They know the LinkedIn channel"
- Barry Whyte, CEO

Want to produce a premium content engine that drives revenue for your brand?

Book a free strategy call