The Basics

The Basics
5 min read

What is holding you back from posting on LinkedIn? (video)

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When it comes to leveraging LinkedIn for content marketing, many organizations face hurdles that prevent them from fully capitalizing on the platform's potential. Whether it’s fear, strategy, or process-related issues, overcoming these obstacles is essential for growth. Let’s break down these challenges and explore how to tackle them effectively.

Overcoming Fear

Fear of Judgment

One of the most common barriers is the fear of what others may think. This anxiety can paralyze you, preventing you from sharing your voice and expertise. Here’s why overcoming this fear is crucial:

1. Self-Motivation: Putting your message out there reinforces your confidence. It demonstrates your commitment to your beliefs and vision.
2. External Support: Investors, team members, and clients are more likely to back someone who is visible and vocal about their expertise and values. Silence can be mistaken for uncertainty or lack of conviction.

Action Steps:
- Start Small: Share insights on topics you are most comfortable with. Gradually, expand your content scope.
- Seek Feedback: Ask trusted colleagues or mentors to review your posts before they go live. Constructive feedback can bolster your confidence.

Developing a Strategy

Getting Started

Often, the enormity of starting can be overwhelming. The key is to break it down into manageable steps.

1. Idea Generation: Engage with your employees, clients, friends, and family to brainstorm content ideas. Simple questions like "What topics should I cover?" can yield a wealth of ideas.
2. Content Creation: Use tools like voice memos to quickly capture your thoughts. Narrate your answers to common questions and use transcription services to convert these into written content.
3. Content Production: Utilize templates and tools such as ChatGPT to refine your content. This approach streamlines the creation process, making it more efficient and less intimidating.

Action Steps:
- Structure Your Workflow: Adopt a simple workflow: Idea → Create → Produce.
- Leverage Technology: Use voice-to-text apps and AI tools to ease the creation process.

Establishing a Process

From Ideation to Production

Creating a structured process can demystify content creation and make it a repeatable, efficient activity.

1. Ideation: Regularly solicit content ideas from various sources. A diverse input ensures your content is relevant and engaging.
2. Creation: Record your thoughts using voice memos and transcribe them. This method keeps the content authentic and in your voice.
3. Production: Use templates and AI tools to format and polish your content. Consistency is key, so develop a set of templates that work well for your audience.

Action Steps:
- Document Your Process: Write down each step of your content creation process. This documentation will serve as a guide and can be refined over time.
- Set Regular Intervals: Schedule regular content creation sessions to build a habit.

Harnessing the Power of LinkedIn

Building Your LinkedIn Founder Brand

LinkedIn is not just a platform for job seekers; it’s a powerful tool for building your personal and company brand. By sharing valuable content consistently, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

1. Consistency: Regular posting keeps you top of mind with your audience.
2. Value-Driven Content: Share insights, case studies, and actionable advice. Content that educates and informs will engage your audience and build trust.
3. Engagement: Respond to comments and messages. Engagement fosters community and amplifies your reach.

Action Steps:
- Create a Content Calendar: Plan your posts ahead of time to ensure regularity.
- Monitor Analytics: Use LinkedIn’s analytics tools to track your performance and refine your strategy.


What's holding you back from posting on LinkedIn? Often, it's a mix of fear, strategy, and process-related issues. By addressing these challenges head-on, you can unlock the full potential of LinkedIn for your content marketing efforts. Remember, starting small, structuring your process, and leveraging technology can make a significant difference.

For those looking to elevate their LinkedIn content strategy, consider partnering with Shake. Shake offers end-to-end content services tailored to help B2B founders and CEOs build their authority, brand, and revenue on LinkedIn. By turning your expertise into engaging content, Shake helps drive meaningful conversations and business growth.

Transform your LinkedIn presence today by embracing a systematic approach and the right support. Start sharing your voice and expertise with confidence and watch your brand grow.

The Basics
5 min read

The Modern B2B Purchase Journey

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Understanding the Shift in the Purchase Journey

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, if your sales tactics haven't evolved in the last two years, you're already trailing behind your competition. The modern purchase journey has transformed from a linear process to a complex web of touchpoints. Gone are the days when a simple sequence of steps – cold outreach, meeting, proposal, and deal closure – sufficed. Today, your customers are interacting with your brand through various channels, often simultaneously.

The Web of Touchpoints

Multi-Channel Engagement

Your potential customers are no longer following a predictable path. Instead, they're engaging with your brand across multiple platforms. They might receive a cold LinkedIn message, an email, or even a phone call. Simultaneously, they're exposed to your LinkedIn content, targeted ads, blog posts, and news articles. Each of these touchpoints plays a crucial role in nurturing the prospect through the purchase journey.

The Role of LinkedIn Content Strategy

A robust LinkedIn content strategy is indispensable in this multi-touchpoint landscape. By consistently sharing valuable content, you keep your brand front of mind. This isn't just about posting updates; it’s about crafting content that resonates with your audience’s needs and positions your brand as an industry leader.

LinkedIn Founder Brand

Building a strong LinkedIn founder brand is particularly effective. When your customers repeatedly see insights and thought leadership from your CEO or founder, it builds trust and familiarity. This trust is critical when they're finally ready to make a purchasing decision.

From Initial Contact to Purchase Readiness

The Long Game

The journey from initial contact to purchase readiness can span several months. It’s essential to maintain consistent communication and visibility during this period. Each interaction, whether it’s a LinkedIn post, an email newsletter, or a blog article, reinforces your brand’s value and expertise.

Trust Building

When prospects are tasked with finding solutions, they often revert to brands they've consistently engaged with over time. By the time they reach purchase readiness, your brand should be the top choice due to the trust and credibility built through persistent and strategic content marketing efforts.

Strategies for Success

Integrating LinkedIn Content Marketing

Incorporating a robust LinkedIn content marketing strategy is key. Share a mix of educational content, industry news, and insights to engage your audience. Highlight case studies and success stories to showcase your expertise and results.

Leveraging LinkedIn Video Strategy

Video content on LinkedIn is a powerful tool for engagement. Short, impactful videos can capture attention and convey your message effectively. Consider sharing customer testimonials, product demonstrations, and thought leadership pieces.

Consistent Branding Across Channels

Ensure that your messaging and branding are consistent across all channels. This coherence reinforces your brand identity and makes it easier for prospects to recognize and remember you.

Implementing Shake's Services

Partnering with a content service like Shake can streamline this process. Shake offers end-to-end content services tailored to B2B CEOs and Founders, focusing on creating premium LinkedIn content that drives inbound revenue. With Shake, you can design bespoke strategies to reach your target audience, improve click-through rates, increase conversion rates, and reduce sales cycle lengths. As an extension of your team, Shake provides an in-house feel with direct Slack integration for instant messaging, weekly content reviews, and monthly feedback sessions.


The modern purchase journey is a dynamic, multi-channel process. By adopting a comprehensive LinkedIn content strategy, building a strong founder brand, and leveraging multi-touchpoint engagement, you can stay ahead of the competition and ensure your brand remains top of mind when prospects are ready to buy. Remember, in today’s landscape, consistent and strategic content is key to driving long-term success.


Integrate these strategies into your marketing efforts to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape. For tailored solutions and expert content services, consider leveraging Shake's offerings to elevate your LinkedIn presence and drive impactful results.

The Basics
5 min read

Choosing the Right LinkedIn Objectives

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Choosing the Right LinkedIn Objectives

A LinkedIn content strategy should be laser-focused. With so many potential goals, it’s easy to spread your efforts too thin. By honing in on one or two core objectives, you can maximize your impact. For most startups and smaller businesses, the primary focus is often on lead generation and brand awareness.

Identifying Core LinkedIn Objectives

From fundraising to thought leadership, LinkedIn offers a variety of objectives that can drive your strategy. Here are six key objectives to consider:

  1. Fundraising
  2. Brand Awareness
  3. Lead Generation
  4. Product Adoption
  5. Networking and Community Building
  6. Thought Leadership

For early-stage startups, lead generation and brand awareness are crucial. These businesses are often in the hustle phase, where every new lead can significantly impact growth. As businesses scale, their objectives evolve. Companies at the Series B or C stage might prioritize thought leadership and market education. This shift opens doors to strategic partnerships, larger opportunities, and enhanced visibility for the founder or CEO.

Leveraging LinkedIn for Lead Generation

Lead generation on LinkedIn is about more than just collecting contact information. It involves creating valuable content that attracts and engages your target audience. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Create High-Quality Content: Focus on content that addresses the pain points of your audience. Share insights, case studies, and success stories that resonate with potential clients.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and build relationships. Engagement fosters trust and positions you as an authority in your field.
  • Utilize LinkedIn Ads: Targeted ads can amplify your reach and attract high-quality leads. LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options allow you to reach decision-makers directly.

Building Brand Awareness on LinkedIn

Building brand awareness on LinkedIn involves more than just posting regularly. It’s about creating a consistent and compelling brand narrative. Here are some strategies:

  • Develop a Content Calendar: Consistency is key. Plan your posts in advance and ensure they align with your brand message.
  • Use Visual Content: Posts with images and videos perform better. Use visuals to highlight your brand’s personality and values.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partnering with influencers in your industry can boost your visibility and credibility.

The Power of Thought Leadership

As companies grow, thought leadership becomes a strategic objective. Thought leadership can elevate the founder's profile, opening doors to speaking engagements and new ventures. Here’s how to establish thought leadership on LinkedIn:

  • Share Original Insights: Provide unique perspectives and insights on industry trends. Show your expertise and thought process.
  • Engage in Industry Discussions: Participate in relevant conversations and offer valuable contributions. This increases your visibility and credibility.
  • Publish Articles: Use LinkedIn’s publishing platform to share in-depth articles. This helps position you as an expert and attracts a wider audience.

Networking and Community Building

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and community building. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Join Relevant Groups: Participate in groups related to your industry. Engage in discussions and connect with other professionals.
  • Host Webinars and Events: Use LinkedIn to promote and host webinars or events. This helps build a community around your brand.
  • Foster Relationships: Build genuine relationships with your connections. Offer value and support, and be proactive in reaching out.


Choosing the right LinkedIn objectives is critical for the success of your LinkedIn content strategy. For startups and smaller businesses, focusing on lead generation and brand awareness can provide the most immediate benefits. As your business grows, shifting towards thought leadership and market education can open new opportunities and elevate your brand.

If you're looking to develop a robust LinkedIn content strategy that drives results, consider partnering with Shake Content. Shake provides end-to-end LinkedIn content services designed to build your authority, brand, and revenue. Visit to learn more.

The Basics
5 min read

How to Align Your LinkedIn Content to Your Company Objectives

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Understanding the Importance of Alignment

In today's competitive landscape, your LinkedIn content strategy must be perfectly aligned with your company's objectives. As a CEO, founder, or director, you're not just a figurehead—you are the face and voice of your company. What you say and share on LinkedIn can significantly impact your brand's perception, investor confidence, and overall business success.

Aligning Personal and Company Messages

One of the critical aspects of a successful LinkedIn content strategy is ensuring that the messages from your company's leadership are in sync with the company's broader objectives. For instance, if your company is currently in a fundraising phase, your content should reflect this goal. Highlighting success stories, showcasing milestones, and sharing positive developments are crucial to attracting and reassuring potential investors.

Conversely, discussing internal challenges such as layoffs or hiring freezes, even if they are part of a larger strategic narrative, can send mixed signals and potentially harm your fundraising efforts. Transparency is valuable, but timing and context are everything.

Practical Steps for Alignment

1. Define Clear Objectives

Before creating content, clearly define your company’s objectives. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, attract investors, or drive customer engagement? Each goal requires a tailored approach.

For example, if your objective is to enhance brand awareness, focus on thought leadership pieces, customer success stories, and engaging multimedia content. On the other hand, if attracting investors is your goal, prioritize content that highlights financial performance, market opportunities, and strategic growth plans.

2. Consistent Messaging

Ensure consistency between your personal LinkedIn updates and your company’s official content. This unified approach helps to reinforce your company’s narrative and strengthens your brand’s credibility. Discrepancies between what you say and what your company posts can confuse your audience and dilute your message.

3. Leverage LinkedIn Features

Utilize LinkedIn's features effectively to amplify your message. LinkedIn Video Strategy, for example, is a powerful tool to deliver your content more dynamically. Videos can be used to provide updates, share behind-the-scenes insights, or discuss industry trends, all while maintaining a personal touch that resonates with your audience.

4. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is key to building a robust LinkedIn Founder Brand. Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and show appreciation for your followers. This interaction not only humanizes your brand but also helps to build a community around your company’s mission and values.

Case Study: Successful Alignment in Action

Let’s look at a practical example. A B2B SaaS company aiming to secure Series A funding decided to align its LinkedIn content strategy with this objective. The CEO started sharing detailed posts about the company’s growth metrics, market potential, and innovation milestones. Simultaneously, the company’s LinkedIn page posted complementary content, such as customer testimonials, partnership announcements, and product demos.

This coordinated effort created a compelling narrative that attracted investor attention, leading to successful funding. The key was the seamless alignment between the CEO’s personal brand and the company’s strategic goals.

The Role of Transparency

While alignment is crucial, transparency should not be overlooked. Authenticity is highly valued on LinkedIn. Leaders who share their professional and personal experiences in a balanced manner tend to build stronger connections with their audience. However, it's essential to strike a balance—be transparent, but also strategic about the timing and nature of the information you share.

Tools and Services to Enhance Your Strategy

Consider leveraging professional services to optimize your LinkedIn content marketing efforts. For example, Shake Content offers an end-to-end content service designed to help B2B CEOs and founders produce premium LinkedIn content that drives inbound revenue. They specialize in creating content that your target audience cares about, helping to build your authority, brand, and revenue.

Visit Shake Content to learn more about their services.


Aligning your LinkedIn content with your company objectives is not just beneficial—it’s essential for success. By defining clear objectives, maintaining consistent messaging, leveraging LinkedIn features, and engaging with your audience, you can create a powerful LinkedIn content strategy that supports your business goals. Remember, your LinkedIn presence is a strategic asset—use it wisely to drive growth and build your brand.

Connect with James Farnfield on LinkedIn for more insights on LinkedIn content strategy: James Farnfield LinkedIn. To follow the latest updates from Shake Content, visit their LinkedIn profile: Shake Content LinkedIn.

The Basics
5 min read

How to Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile

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Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is essential for leveraging LinkedIn as a powerful channel for marketing and sales success. Whether you are a Series A B2B SaaS company, a B2B agency, or a consultancy, your LinkedIn profile serves as a critical touchpoint for potential prospects. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your profile stands out and effectively drives engagement.

1. Start with a Professional Profile Picture

Your profile picture is the first impression you make. Ensure it is:

  • High Quality: A professional headshot is ideal.
  • Approachable: A genuine smile can make a significant difference.
  • Consistent: Use the same picture across your marketing collateral for brand consistency.

2. Craft a Compelling Headline

Your headline is one of the most visible elements of your profile. It's seen when you comment, post, or appear in search results. Here’s how to make it impactful:

  • Identify Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): Highlight the pain points you solve.
  • Be Specific: Use 16-20 words to clearly define your role and the value you offer.
  • Example: "Helping B2B SaaS Startups Scale Faster | Expert in LinkedIn Content Strategy."

3. Optimize Your Cover Photo

The cover photo is an extension of your headline. It should:

  • Reinforce Your Message: Clearly explain what your business does.
  • Include a Call to Action (CTA): Guide visitors on what to do next.

4. Update Your About Section

The About section is where you tell your story. Make it personal and engaging:

  • Use First Person: It feels more authentic and approachable.
  • Outline Your Career Journey: Share your experiences and what you’re currently working on.
  • State Your Objectives: Mention what you aim to achieve and how you can help your audience.
  • Example: "I specialize in helping B2B SaaS companies grow through tailored LinkedIn content strategies. With over 10 years in the industry, my goal is to..."

5. Highlight Key Content in Your Featured Section

The Featured section is your opportunity to showcase important content:

  • CTA Placement: Include direct actions like webinar sign-ups, links to your website, or contact forms.
  • Showcase Success: Use case studies, testimonials, and social proof to build credibility.

6. Customize Your URL and CTA Button

Personalize your LinkedIn URL and customize your CTA button to align with your objectives:

  • URL: Make it simple and professional (e.g.,
  • CTA Button: Use a clear, concise action that matches your headline and featured section CTAs.

7. Consistent Call to Actions

Ensure your CTAs are consistent across your profile:

  • Headlines and Featured Sections: Keep the messaging uniform to avoid confusion.
  • Example: If your headline directs to a free trial, the featured section should also highlight this.

8. Maintain an Updated Profile

Regular updates are crucial for keeping your profile relevant:

  • Refresh Content: Regularly update your headline, about section, and featured content.
  • Engage with New Features: Utilize LinkedIn’s latest features to keep your profile dynamic.


A well-optimized LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool in your LinkedIn content strategy. By ensuring every element from your profile picture to your CTA is aligned and impactful, you can turn your LinkedIn profile into a high-converting landing page. For more insights on how to enhance your LinkedIn presence, visit Shake Content or follow us on LinkedIn: Shake Content LinkedIn and James Farnfield LinkedIn.

This guide covers all essential aspects of LinkedIn profile optimization. Implement these steps to ensure your profile not only attracts attention but also drives meaningful engagement and business growth. For tailored LinkedIn content strategies and more, Shake Content is your trusted partner.

The Basics
5 min read

How to Measure LinkedIn Content ROI

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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, determining the return on investment (ROI) of your LinkedIn content strategy can feel like navigating uncharted waters. Many sales leaders, CEOs, and founders struggle with this challenge. Despite the complexities, measuring LinkedIn Content ROI is not only possible but essential for driving strategic decisions and business growth.

Setting Clear Goals and KPIs

First, you must establish your goals and objectives. Whether it's lead generation, brand awareness, or positioning your LinkedIn founder brand as a thought leader, your overall KPIs should align with these objectives. For many businesses, particularly in the B2B SaaS space, the primary focus is on generating revenue. Therefore, the initial step in measuring LinkedIn content ROI is to clearly define what success looks like for your business.

Utilizing Self-Attribution Forms

One effective way to measure the impact of your LinkedIn content is by implementing self-attribution forms. These forms can be added to your website's demo or trial request pages, asking visitors how they heard about your business. Options might include Google search, paid advertisements, or LinkedIn. This method provides valuable insights into which platforms are driving traffic and leads, offering direct attribution to your LinkedIn campaigns.

Leveraging UTM Trackers

Another powerful tool for tracking LinkedIn content performance is UTM tracking. By setting up UTM parameters through Google Analytics, you can monitor the click-through rates from specific LinkedIn posts to your website. This approach helps in understanding the effectiveness of different content pieces and campaigns, providing a clearer picture of their contribution to your business goals.

Monitoring Wider Business Impact

Beyond direct attribution, it's crucial to look at the broader impact of your LinkedIn content strategy. For instance, at Shake Content, we emphasize tracking metrics such as conversion rates and sales cycle lengths. Over time, a well-executed LinkedIn content strategy should lead to shorter sales cycles and higher conversion rates, indicating a positive ROI. These metrics reflect the cumulative effect of consistent, high-quality content on your overall business performance.

Key Metrics to Track

To effectively measure LinkedIn content ROI, focus on the following key metrics:

  1. Lead Generation: Track the number of leads generated from LinkedIn content. Use self-attribution forms and CRM data to identify leads sourced from LinkedIn.
  2. Conversion Rates: Monitor the conversion rates of leads generated from LinkedIn. Higher conversion rates typically indicate that the content is resonating with your target audience.
  3. Sales Cycle Length: Measure the time it takes to convert a LinkedIn lead into a customer. A reduction in sales cycle length suggests that your content is effectively nurturing leads and moving them through the sales funnel faster.
  4. Engagement Metrics: Assess the engagement levels of your LinkedIn posts, including likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates. High engagement rates often correlate with increased brand awareness and lead generation.
  5. Revenue Impact: Ultimately, the most important metric is the revenue generated from LinkedIn leads. Use CRM data and sales attribution models to link closed deals back to your LinkedIn content efforts.

Implementing a Holistic Measurement Approach

Given the multifaceted nature of LinkedIn content marketing, it's essential to adopt a holistic measurement approach. Combine direct attribution methods, such as self-attribution forms and UTM tracking, with broader business impact metrics. This comprehensive view allows you to capture the full spectrum of LinkedIn content ROI, from immediate lead generation to long-term revenue growth.


While measuring LinkedIn content ROI can be challenging, it's not impossible. By setting clear goals, utilizing self-attribution forms, leveraging UTM trackers, and monitoring wider business impacts, you can effectively track and demonstrate the value of your LinkedIn content strategy. Remember, the key is to maintain consistency and continuously refine your approach based on the insights gained from your metrics.

For more information on optimizing your LinkedIn content strategy and driving business growth, visit Shake Content and connect with us on LinkedIn. You can also follow James Farnfield for additional tips and insights.

By adopting these strategies, you'll be well-equipped to measure and maximize the ROI of your LinkedIn content, ensuring sustained business growth and success.

The Basics
5 min read

What Types of LinkedIn Content Should You Create?

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The Importance of LinkedIn for B2B Businesses

LinkedIn is more than just a social network; it's a powerhouse for B2B businesses. With over a billion users, it's the go-to platform for professionals to connect, share insights, and build their brands. For founders, CEOs, and growth leaders, LinkedIn is where your customers, investors, and future employees hang out.

Establishing a Strong LinkedIn Presence

The Impact on Your Brand

A socially active CEO can significantly boost a company's reputation. According to Harvard Business Review, 44% of a CEO's reputation contributes to the overall market value of their brand. Furthermore, 76% of senior executives believe that a CEO with a strong social presence positively impacts their company's brand. This makes LinkedIn an essential tool for building and maintaining your company's market value.

Attracting Investors and Talent

Being active on LinkedIn doesn't just enhance your brand; it also makes attracting investors easier. Studies show that companies with socially present CEOs are 87% more likely to attract investors. Additionally, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for talent acquisition. Potential employees often check LinkedIn profiles before making career decisions. Harvard Business Review and Hootsuite report that companies with active LinkedIn profiles are 77% more likely to attract high-quality talent.

Types of LinkedIn Content to Create

1. Thought Leadership Articles

Establish yourself as an industry leader by sharing in-depth articles on your expertise. These articles should provide unique insights, backed by data and real-world examples. Thought leadership pieces position you as an authority and can drive meaningful engagement with your target audience.

2. Company Updates and Achievements

Regularly update your followers on company milestones, product launches, and significant achievements. These posts not only keep your audience informed but also highlight your company's growth and success. Visual content, such as infographics and videos, can make these updates more engaging.

3. Customer Success Stories

Showcase your impact by sharing detailed case studies and testimonials from satisfied clients. Highlight the challenges faced by your clients, the solutions you provided, and the results achieved. These stories can build credibility and inspire confidence in potential customers.

4. Educational Content

Share tips, how-tos, and best practices relevant to your industry. This type of content is valuable for your audience and positions you as a helpful resource. Use a mix of formats, including articles, videos, and infographics, to keep your content diverse and engaging.

5. Personal Insights and Experiences

Humanize your brand by sharing personal stories and insights. Discuss your journey, challenges, and lessons learned. Personal posts can build a deeper connection with your audience and make your brand more relatable.

6. Interactive Content

Encourage engagement by creating polls, asking questions, and prompting discussions. Interactive content can increase your visibility on LinkedIn and foster a sense of community among your followers.

Developing a LinkedIn Content Strategy

Consistency is Key

Consistency is crucial for maintaining a strong LinkedIn presence. Develop a content calendar to ensure regular posting. Aim to post at least three times a week to keep your audience engaged.

Quality Over Quantity

While consistency is important, the quality of your content matters more. Focus on creating high-value posts that provide actionable insights and solutions. Avoid filler content that doesn't add value to your audience.

Leverage LinkedIn Video Strategy

Videos are highly engaging and can significantly boost your reach on LinkedIn. Use videos to share updates, demonstrate products, or provide quick tips. Keep your videos short and to the point, ideally under two minutes.


LinkedIn is a vital platform for B2B businesses looking to build their brand, attract investors, and hire top talent. By creating a diverse mix of content, including thought leadership articles, company updates, customer success stories, educational content, personal insights, and interactive posts, you can establish a strong LinkedIn presence. Remember, consistency and quality are key. For tailored LinkedIn content strategies that drive engagement and growth, consider partnering with a specialized service like Shake.


By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to leveraging LinkedIn effectively for your business. For more tips and insights, subscribe to our newsletter and access exclusive content designed to help you succeed on LinkedIn.

The Basics
5 min read

How to Showcase Your Case Studies on LinkedIn

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Understanding the Value of Case Studies

Case studies are a powerful tool in your LinkedIn content strategy. They offer concrete evidence of your capabilities and success, crucial for building trust with potential clients. However, businesses with high contract values often produce fewer case studies, making it essential to maximize their impact.

Highlighting Pain Points

Identify Specific Pain Points

Start by focusing on the pain points you addressed for your client. Rather than presenting the entire case study, zero in on a particular problem you solved. This approach makes your content relatable and highlights your expertise in tackling specific challenges.


Imagine you're a B2B SaaS company that helped a client reduce their churn rate. Your LinkedIn post could highlight the initial pain point (high churn), the specific strategies you implemented (like personalized onboarding), and the result (a significant drop in churn rate).

Showcasing Your Unique Process

Detail Your Process

Clients are often interested in the "how" as much as the "what." Detailing the unique steps your business took to achieve the results can set you apart. This not only showcases your expertise but also your methodical approach to problem-solving.


If you run a digital product studio, explain the distinct phases you took your client through, from initial consultation to final product delivery. Highlight any proprietary methods or tools used, providing a glimpse into your operational excellence.

Emphasizing Results with Data

Use Quantitative Data

Prospective clients love numbers. Data-driven results provide undeniable proof of your success. Use percentages, metrics, and other quantitative data to illustrate how you delivered value.


If you increased a client's revenue by 20%, don't just say it—show it. Use charts or infographics to visualize the growth. This approach not only grabs attention but also makes the information easily digestible.

Crafting Engaging LinkedIn Posts

Keep It Concise and Engaging

Your LinkedIn posts should be succinct yet impactful. Use a mix of short, punchy sentences and longer, explanatory ones to maintain a dynamic rhythm. Avoid filler words and get straight to the point.


“Struggling with high churn rates? Our personalized onboarding process helped [Client Name] reduce churn by 30% in just six months. Discover how our unique strategies can transform your business.”

Leveraging Visual Content

Incorporate Visuals

Visual content can significantly enhance the impact of your case studies. Infographics, videos, and images can make your posts more engaging and help convey complex information more effectively.


Create a short video summarizing the case study, featuring client testimonials and key metrics. Share this alongside a brief text post to maximize engagement.

Building Authority and Engagement

Engage with Your Audience

Encourage engagement by asking questions or prompting discussions. This not only increases the visibility of your posts but also positions you as an authority in your field.


“Have you faced similar challenges with customer retention? Share your experiences or ask us how we can help reduce churn for your business.”

Conclusion: The Power of a LinkedIn Content Strategy

Effective LinkedIn content marketing is about more than just posting updates; it's about crafting strategic, engaging content that showcases your expertise and drives conversations. By focusing on pain points, detailing your process, and emphasizing results with data, you can turn each case study into a powerful piece of content that resonates with your audience.

Remember, consistency is key. Regularly share your success stories and insights to keep your audience engaged and your brand top-of-mind. And if you need help crafting a compelling LinkedIn content strategy, consider partnering with Shake. We specialize in creating premium content that drives inbound revenue and positions you as a leader in your industry.

For more insights and to get started on elevating your LinkedIn presence, visit Shake Content. Let's turn your expertise into content that drives conversations and conversions.

The Basics
5 min read

Why Is LinkedIn So Important for B2B CEOs?

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Why Is LinkedIn So Important for B2B Leaders?

LinkedIn is not just another social media platform; it is a powerful tool for B2B leaders looking to drive their business forward. In this article, we will explore the significance of LinkedIn, supported by compelling statistics and practical strategies, to help you leverage this platform effectively.

The Power of LinkedIn for B2B Businesses

LinkedIn boasts over a billion users, primarily professionals with a business mindset. For B2B companies, this means your potential customers are likely spending time on LinkedIn. This platform is where decision-makers and influencers in your industry congregate, making it an essential space for networking, marketing, and business growth.

Building a Strong LinkedIn Presence

1. Establishing Authority and Trust

A strong LinkedIn presence can significantly impact your brand's reputation. According to Harvard Business Review, 44% of a CEO's reputation is tied to the company's market value. Additionally, 76% of senior executives believe that a socially present CEO positively influences their brand. This highlights the importance of an active and visible leadership team on LinkedIn.

2. Attracting Investors and Talent

An active LinkedIn profile is crucial for attracting both investors and top talent. Statistics show that 87% of investors are more likely to invest in companies where the CEO and team are socially active. Moreover, 77% of potential employees check out a company’s LinkedIn profile before applying. Regularly posting insightful content can make your company more appealing to high-quality talent.

Crafting an Effective LinkedIn Content Strategy

1. Content that Engages and Educates

Your LinkedIn content should be tailored to engage and educate your target audience. This includes sharing industry insights, company updates, and thought leadership articles. Consistency is key; regular posting keeps your audience engaged and positions your brand as a leader in the industry.

2. Utilising LinkedIn Video Strategy

Video content is highly effective on LinkedIn. It can significantly boost engagement and convey your message more dynamically. Consider creating short, informative videos that address common industry challenges, showcase your products or services, and share success stories. These videos can help humanize your brand and build a stronger connection with your audience.

3. Optimising for LinkedIn's Algorithm

To maximise your content’s reach, it’s important to understand LinkedIn’s algorithm. Posts with high engagement are more likely to be seen by a larger audience. Encourage interactions by asking questions, prompting discussions, and responding to comments. Using relevant hashtags can also help your content reach a broader audience.

Best Practices for LinkedIn Content Marketing

1. Highlighting Your LinkedIn Founder Brand

Your personal brand as a founder or CEO can greatly influence your company’s perception. Share your journey, insights, and values to build a relatable and trustworthy persona. This not only humanizes your brand but also builds deeper connections with your audience.

2. Leveraging Analytics for Continuous Improvement

LinkedIn provides robust analytics tools to measure the performance of your posts. Regularly review these analytics to understand what types of content resonate most with your audience. Use this data to refine your content strategy, focusing on what drives the most engagement and value.


LinkedIn is an indispensable tool for B2B leaders aiming to enhance their brand’s visibility, attract investors, and recruit top talent. By implementing a robust LinkedIn content strategy, leveraging video content, and optimizing for engagement, you can transform your LinkedIn presence into a powerful asset for your business.

For more insights and tips on LinkedIn content strategy, check out Shake’s premium content services designed to help B2B CEOs and founders drive inbound revenue and build their authority on LinkedIn.

The Basics
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How To Find Your Content Champion

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In the fast-paced world of B2B, content marketing is a vital tool for scaling your business. However, the question is, who should be the face of your content strategy? As a CEO or Head of Marketing, you might think you're the best fit, but that's not always the case. Let's explore why finding your content champion within your organization can lead to more effective LinkedIn content marketing.

Understanding the Role of a Content Champion

A content champion is a thought leader within your organization who can effectively communicate your company's vision, values, and expertise. This person isn't necessarily the CEO or founder but could be anyone with a deep understanding of specific business areas and the ability to engage an audience.

Why You Might Not Be the Right Person

As the CEO or founder, your voice is undoubtedly valuable. You can provide insights into the company's vision and future. However, in larger organizations, it's more effective to leverage multiple voices from different departments. This approach not only diversifies your content but also highlights the expertise within your team.

Identifying Your Content Champions

To find your content champions, look within your C-suite and other leadership roles. Here are some key figures who can drive your LinkedIn content strategy:

1. Head of Sales

Your Head of Sales can provide invaluable insights into sales strategies, closing deals, and shortening sales cycles. Their content can be geared towards potential clients and partners, showcasing the innovative approaches your sales team employs.

2. Head of Marketing

The Head of Marketing can share experiments and successes in SEO, influencer marketing, and content marketing. They can link these strategies to your overall lead generation efforts, such as webinars, demos, and sign-ups.

3. Technical Leads

For tech-driven B2B companies, your technical leads can be content champions. They can discuss new product developments, technical challenges, and innovations. This content appeals to a technically savvy audience, demonstrating your company's expertise and cutting-edge solutions.

Empowering Your Content Champions

Once you've identified your content champions, it's crucial to empower them with the tools, freedom, and budget they need. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Provide Training: Ensure your content champions are comfortable with LinkedIn and understand the basics of content marketing.
  2. Allocate Budget: Allocate a budget for content creation, including graphic design, video production, and any necessary tools.
  3. Encourage Authenticity: Allow your content champions to be authentic and personal in their posts. Authenticity builds trust and engagement.
  4. Set Clear Goals: Define clear goals for your LinkedIn content strategy, such as increasing engagement, generating leads, or building brand awareness.

Benefits of a Diverse Content Strategy

Utilizing different voices within your organization offers several advantages:

  • Broader Reach: Different content champions appeal to various segments of your audience.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Showcasing expertise from multiple departments builds your company's credibility.
  • Increased Engagement: Varied content keeps your audience engaged and interested.

Case Study: Successful Content Champions

Consider the example of a B2B SaaS company that utilized its CTO as a content champion. By sharing insights into the latest tech trends and product developments, they attracted a technical audience, leading to increased engagement and new business opportunities. Simultaneously, the CMO shared marketing strategies and successes, appealing to a different segment of the audience and driving lead generation.

Conclusion: Start Today

In the competitive landscape of LinkedIn content marketing, finding and empowering your content champions can give you an edge. Whether it's your Head of Sales, Marketing, or a technical lead, leveraging the diverse expertise within your organization ensures a robust and effective content strategy.

Ready to elevate your LinkedIn presence? Learn how to implement a comprehensive LinkedIn content strategy and engage your audience with content that matters. Visit Shake Content to explore our services and see how we can help you build your LinkedIn Founder Brand.

Remember, the right content champion can transform your LinkedIn content marketing efforts. Don't wait – identify your champions and start today before your competitors do.